
Tuesday, 5 December 2017

New Goth on the block

...but not exactly. I guess "alternative" is a better label, but more on that later.

Hi! This has been on my mind for quite a while. I kept looking for nice photos, planning crafts and photoshoots, gathering background and header ideas... and so a year has passed, and then some more. Now my 30th birthday is approaching, and finally I decided to start with what I have (read: nothing) and see how it goes.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Arina aka Blackkitty aka Low maintenance Goth. Some of you may know me from my first blog. I'll keep posting about my dolls and random crafts there, but I'll move my one jewellery post here, because I want a dedicated space for my life and fashion stuff. Here you'll be seeing more of my general grown-up interests and probably no dolls at all ;)

As you guessed from the title, I'm into most things Goth, with one exception that will have many people throw rotten eggs at their screens. I absolutely can't stand Goth music. If you have a strong opinion about this, don't bother. I looked into it, gave it several tries, but we just don't get along. I guess I never had a "Goth coach", and even if I did, I'd probably rebel against their suggestions because that's my thing :D I don't like being told what I should like and not, how to do my makeup, what to read or watch. In the end I decided to embrace it and be true to myself.

So, what do I like?
I have very high tolerance for music. My friends are all very different and I'll bear with whatever they have on. I have slight preferences for metal, alternative rock, hard rock and... specific pop songs from my teenage years (LOVE the Backstreet Boys). There are very few genres and songs I actively hate, they are mostly confined to Eastern Europe.

Fashion-wise, most of my wardrobe is black. Fun fact: my favourite colour is actually dark purple, but I have yellow skin and I prefer black on me. It's also easier to find and match.

As far as other Goth things are concerned, I check almost everything. I don't like cemeteries yet because the predominant confession over here is Christian Orthodox and they have really depressing art tastes. Maybe I'll see a nice one and change my opinion. I do like nature, ruins, old things, reading, art, creepy stuff... what else? I didn't have the stereotypically black cat until recently, because I don't choose my friends based on their colour. My second kitten just happened to be black, so now I check that point too. I love my cats to bits.

We call them the Copycats.

Tali and Cleo

So, the reason I named my lifestyle blog "Low maintenance Goth" is because I felt it best described me. I'm not very picky about music and I'm very casual in my day-to-day life. My husband is not Goth and our house looks very ordinary. The only Goth vibe comes from my necklace stand and some of my dolls. I like fancy, I envy those people with outrageous makeup and detailed outfits, but I can't justify neither spending over 30 minutes on makeup nor spending more money on wardrobe or home decor items simply because they have skulls or whatever. I'm really slow, cheap, and have better things to do than stare in the mirror. I'm low maintenance. I make most of my jewellery, and buy things from regular stores and Aliexpress. I have only a couple of brand items that were honestly not worth the price.
There are days when I put in extra time to look better and I feel great too.

I swear I had photos of a fancier look, but I can't find them!

Most of the time, I just look like this:

I can't be bothered with makeup when I travel. Somehow, I still get called "the goth chick"!

So, this is pretty much it. I plan to write DIY posts, outfit posts, makeup posts and general ramblings. I'm really bad at taking photos of myself or posing while other peoples do it and I hope this new blog will push me to be more positive about myself.
Next thing on the menu though is my brownie recipe! Stay tuned!


  1. Heeey! So nice to know a bit more about you ^^ I love what you said about low maintenance. I too love good deals and see no need to waste a lot on something just because of a brand. So yay for finding great stuff at good prices :D (And the pic of you with the girls is just too adorable for words! S2)

  2. Wie schön, jetzt kann ich auch was von dir lesen. Klingt alles sehr interessant. Deine Katzen sind echt süß. Ich freue mich auf mehr :)

    1. Danke! Alles wird interessant wenn man Katzen dazu gibt :)

  3. I look forward to learning more about you. :)

    1. Thank you! I have several ideas for future posts.

  4. Hi, it's Londoom again (LOL) I have a bit of time so I spend more time on line than I should! It's my first visit to Low Maintenance Goth. I like the name, it makes me laugh!

    I can't believe you don't like Goth music at all!

    I will just give you a few bands worth checking (You probably already did, they are obvious ones! LOL)

    Bauhaus (I think their sound is still quite original now. I like the guitar and their albums are quite interesting!)

    Siouxsie and the Banshees (I love her. She was the Queen of Goth and much more! The band also made more experimental music with "The Creatures" so did some of the Bauhaus musicians under the name "Tones on Tail")

    The Cocteau Twins (I don't know if they can really be called Goths but they had a lot of the Goth audience. I adore what she does with her voice and the ethereal quality of their music especially in the album "Blue Bell Knoll" where they obviously managed to defy gravity!!)

    Breathless (They were never very famous or really Goths even if they also had some of the Goth audience but I love the luxurious melancholia of their music and his voice. He was part of "This Mortal coil" (the singer of the Cocteau Twins also). Different singers of bands from the label 4AD would sing cover versions of older songs under that name. Two songs I love are "Jeweller" so so beautiful and the mythical "song of the siren".

    And so many more great musicians to mention... The label "Goth" was really diverse and creative at the time.

    I don't know if I will make you change your mind about so called Goth music but it is a delight for me to remember this "musical" era.

    I am very passionate about music. I sing! LOL

    Take care

    1. Hi, Londoom!
      I can't say I didn't do my homework... I checked out all but Breathless. I might try later when I have some free time. Recently I just listened to a lot of Rammstein because I had a German test today and it did help me learn some difficult grammar stuff.
      I appreciate your effort to sell Goth music to me. What do YOU sing?

    2. I sing for pleasure now.
      When I was younger, I was singing in an obscure industrial band LOL I love Skinny Puppy and Einsturzende Neubauten!
      My voice is high and clear so it was fun to "marry" both styles! I also adore Kate Bush who has absolutely nothing of a Goth in her!

      Rammstein are too new for me, I know them only a bit. I need to catch up LOL I am an old bat!

      I give you two more bands to check from that era 100% Goths : "The Sisters of Mercy" and "Christian death" check Christian Death's song "Romeo's Distress" sooo Gothic! Both bands were a bit Cray Cray especially Christian death!!!! LOL

    3. Odd question: are you male or female? XD
      I'll put those songs in my "check out when bored" list. Since you're shooting all these recommendations at me, I'll tell you my favourite Rammstein song (and they are not Goth, just a heads up) - "Ohne dich". It's even more special for me because it's the first I understood the lyrics of without help while studying A2 level German.

    4. I am a woman!!! LOL
      I hope I did not scare you with all my recommendations. I am a bit too enthusiastic.
      I had time today and I have spent lots of time on line. I don't do this very often. It is not very good for the environment. I admit to have been a bit carried away by my passion for music. I have just watched old sisters of mercy videos. It made my day. After all these years, they still sound great. I really like that era for music.
      I'll check Rammstein now Lol Any other recommendations are welcome.
      Have a great evening!

    5. Lol! For some reason I was getting guy vibes from your comments and when you mentioned the clear high voice I was like WUT O_O
      Have fun online! Sometimes it's good to just idle for a while.

  5. Londoom back again, LOL after spending more time on line watching the Cocteau Twins and Breathless on Youtube and being mesmerized by the beauty of their music!!
    Actually, these two are not "Obvious" Goths bands. They had Goths in their audience because the aesthetics of their music was close to the Goth spirit.

    Bauhaus and Siouxsie were strong influences for the Goths scene. They were brilliant and they were real pioneers. They were much more original than what "Goth music" has become now.

    If you are interested, I will post more bands names (more obvious Goths ones this time).
    They are all quite old from the 80's because this is when all this scene came to life. This era was great for music, so creative, diverse and inspiring!

    All the best
    Take care


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